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It's Snow Secret... Winter Classroom Bulletin Board Display
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We found this next winter bulletin board at Colleen Gallagher's free teacher resource, Teaching Heart, where it was submitted by North Carolina school receptionist Catherine Moore. The three-dimensional snowmen are stellar and the positive message is sure to promote a sense of unity and teamwork in the classroom. It's 'snow' secret...we give this board two thumbs up!
"It's Snow Secret..." Winter Bulletin Board Display
- Background: Cover the board with blue background paper. On the bottom third, use scrunched white bulletin board paper to create a snowy landscape (snowscape).
- Title: "It's Snow Secret... ___________________!" (e.g. We Make A Great Team!, Mrs. Nelson's Students Are Brrr-rilliant!, Mrs. Nelson's Class Is The Best!, We're Great Workers!, etc.).
- Border: Create your own icicles border using long strips of fringed aluminum foil or consider using a winter- or icicle-themed bulletin board border from your favorite teacher supplies provider.
- Decoration: 1) The Snowmen. Use white bulletin board paper to create the bodies of each snowman. Cut three circles for each figure, then crumble up the paper and stuff cotton batting (or wads of paper) between the circles and the board to add a three-dimensional effect to the snowmen. With scraps of construction paper or fabric, create hats, scarves, arms, buttons, and faces for each snowman. 2) The Snowflakes. Create a card stock snowflake template - drawing the figure free hand or finding a black and white clip art image online or through your word processing software. Trace and cut several snowflake cutouts from white and gray construction paper. Optional: add a bit of glitter or fake snow to the cutouts for extra flair.
NOTE: You might also consider incorporating a bit of fake craft snow in the snowscape background and on the snowmen for added effect!