Appealing Entries for 100th Day!

Imagine your students' reaction when, thinking it's just another day, they file in from the bus and encounter once of these colorful and festive entraces. They would be floored and left to wonder, if the hallway looks this cool, what fun things are we going to do in class today?!

The best part about these displays is that, while they all pack a visual punch, not one of them is so detailed or complicated that it wouldn't be feasible to create your own. Bulletin board paper. Crepe paper streamers. Perhaps some craft paint or bulletin board letters... [Of course, if you work together with the other teachers on your floor, the display should be a snap!]

100th Day of School Bulletin Board Idea
{via Sara Anne Culberson}
100th Day of School Bulletin Board Idea
{via Hope of 2nd Grade Shenanigans}
100th Day of School Bulletin Board Idea
{via Jessica of Welcome to Room 36!}
100th Day of School Bulletin Board Idea
{via Melissa of Joyful Learning in KC}

We bet you can't wait to get started planning your own 100th day entrance! Happy creating!

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