It's A Book Fair Fiesta!

Have we mentioned that the ladies at Miami Lakes K-8 know how to put on an awesome book fair?! Erica Nunez, Ibis Mendoza, and Ana Reyes {pictured below} put their heads together for Scholastic's fiesta themed spring book fair and came up with these amazing displays! They're 'nacho' ordinary decorators and this is 'nacho' ordinary book fair!!

Left to right: Ana Reyes, Erica Nunez, and Ibis Mendoza (media specialist)

Library Entrance

The full display...

A closer look at the gorgeous details...

Inside the Library

Super colorful and fun, we know the students at Miami Lakes K-8 had a blast at the book fair! And, if the decorations aren't enough, click here to check out all the attractions the ladies lined up for the kiddos to enjoy during the book fair!

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