Hand Print Calendar: March

homemade march calendar with a hand print shamrock

{Looking for a fun way to review the days of the week and months of the year? Try this hand print calendar! Students are sure to love the "hands on" artwork as well as the special poem for each month. If completed before the holidays, this makes a spectacular (and functional!) Christmas gift for mom and dad!}


March is known for St. Patrick's day so bring a bit of fun to your homemade calendar with a hand print four leaf clover or leprechaun! Here's how to make both calendar variations!

Hand Print Four Leaf Clover

Supplies You'll Need

Four Leaf Clover Instructions

Help students paint their fingers and the top of the their palm with green craft paint.

image for step 1

Angling their hand slightly, start at the top right corner, inviting students to press their hand firmly to the paper (fingers pointed toward the lower left corner). Make three more prints, moving around the paper in a clockwise motion, forming the four leaves of the clover.

image showing step 2

When dry, use a black Sharpie marker to draw a stem and an outline around each leaf.

image showing step 3

The Poem

Five Green Shamrocks

  • One green shamrock, in the morning dew,
  • Another one sprouted,
  • and then there were two.
  • Two green shamrocks, growing beneath a tree,
  • Another one sprouted,
  • and then there were three.
  • Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door,
  • Another one sprouted,
  • and then there were four.
  • Four green shamrocks, near a beehive,
  • Another one sprouted,
  • and then there were five.
  • Five green shamrocks, bright and emerald green,
  • Think of all the luck
  • these shamrocks will bring!

Add a border around the poem (optional), print it onto card stock, and invite your students to glue it to their calendar.

Hand Print Leprechaun

Supplies You'll Need

Leprechaun Instructions

Help your students paint their fingers green, adding a thin strip of orange under (along the palm). Finish the "leprechaun" by painting the base of the palm pink and the rest of the hand/thumb green. Instruct students to press their hand firmly to the paper to make a print. image showing step 1

Once dry, provide students with markers and invite them to draw a face for the leprechaun. image showing step 2

The Poem

I'm A Little Leprechaun

  • I'm a little leprechaun
  • Dressed in green,
  • The tiniest man
  • That you've ever seen.
  • If you ever catch me, so it's told,
  • I'll give you my big pot of gold!

Print the poem onto card stock - adding a decorative border if you desire - and invite your students to mount it to their construction paper.

Whichever character you choose for your March calendar, your students are sure to enjoy making these fun crafts!

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