Guest Post - Snow Paint!

Today we're excited to bring you a guest post from Tiffani Mugurussa of Time 4 Kindergarten! A wife, mother to two teenagers, and teacher of 23 years, Tiffani currently teaches kindergarten and uses her amazing blog to share about her experiences as well as her creative teaching ideas.

Today she's sharing a favorite winter craft that her kinders always have a blast with!

Snow Paint

Winter Snow Paint Recipe & Craft for Kids

In January, most primary classrooms are delving into winter themes and snow seems to be right in the mix. After reading several snow themed books, like The Snowy Day or Snowmen at Night, I like to have my kids paint a snow scene. A puffy snow paint can be made using equal parts of shaving cream and white glue. Make sure you use regular shaving cream, don’t use anything with a scent or your room will smell like shaving cream.

Here are a few close-ups of mixing the paint;

Materials for Snow Paint Craft Creating Snow Paint from Shaving Cream and Glue Finished Snow Paint

Once you’ve made the mixture, give kids paintbrushes or sponge applicator brushes to dab the snow onto their paper. Make sure they aren’t’ spreading the paint around. It needs to be dabbed on in order for it to really look like snow; the more the better.

Techniques for Applying Snow Paint Techniques for Applying Snow Paint

The papers will become very wet. Leave the paintings lying flat overnight to dry. Once they are dry, you can add other embellishments such as snowmen or Peter, from the Snowy Day.

The finished product ready for embellishments!

Finished Snow Paint Craft for Kids

Meet The Guest Author

Time 4 Kindergarten

A teacher of 23 years, Tiffani currently teaches kindergarten and offers a glimpse into her classroom and unique teaching ideas at her blog, Time 4 Kindergarten! Head on over and see what she's up to this week or connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and G+!

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