Behavior Management Bulletin Board Idea

A behavior management system is a great idea for the end of the year! Your kiddos have inevitably caught the summer bug and are itching to be outside. Right...?? :) The summer bug can bring even the best behaved class a bit of trouble when it comes to following class rules and directions. Keep your kiddos mindful of their behavior with this creative and super handy behavior management bulletin board created by Becca Ruth over at That Little Art Teacher!
Becca Ruth uses the bulletin board described below for an end of the semester reward party. Students who never received a time-out get to participate for the entire party. Students who received a time-out have to sit out from the party the same amount of time they spent in time-out. For example: a student who received a 5 minute time-out during the semester will miss 5 minutes of the party. Make sure your students are aware of the party (or whatever type of reward you choose) that will take place! It will be a great motivation for behaving all semester long!!
Behavior Board
- Background: Orange bulletin board paper
- Title: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Kind, Be Safe! (Write the titles on white construction paper with a short explanation underneath. You can also vary these expectations to meet your class needs.)
- Border: Black solid trimmer
- Decoration: Here's where the behavior management system comes in. If you're a teacher with multiple classes each week (Becca Ruth has 21), set your board up in the same fashion. Assign each class a library pocket and place a 3" x 5" index card for each child in the class into the pocket. If you're wanting to use this board for a single class, tack an index card for each child to the board and forgo the library pockets. Then, in the center of the board create your behavior ladder. At the top is Green for Warning. Next comes Yellow for a second warning and 5 minute time-out. Under yellow will be Red for a third warning and 10 minute time-out. And finally, Black for teacher's discipline choice (detention, trip to principal's office, etc). Hang the ladder on the board using a thumb tack and black yarn and use clothespins to attach children's names to the ladder when necessary.