DIY Recycling Bulletin Board Border

This DIY border is just so cool we couldn't refrain from sharing {even though it's not a total bulletin board concept}! We found it at Meri Cherry, blog of kindergarten teacher Meri Cherry! Perfect for 'going green', supplementing a lesson on recycling, or just achieving a quirky, unique look, it's time to dig through your trash and recycling bin rather than your pocket {and your hard earned money} for the perfect bulletin board border.
Materials to Collect
- Produce trays
- Plastic water bottles
- Soda cans
- Juice cartons
- Cardboard packaging
- Toilet paper rolls
- Soup cans
- Baby food jars
- Bottle caps
- Plastic rings (that hold six packs of soda together)
- Spiral rings from used notebooks
- Newspaper
- Magazines
- CDs
- Bubble wrap
- Plastic bags
- And anything else you can think of!
Before spray painting your new bulletin board materials, consider leaving some in their original state and using others to create fun shapes to add a unique flair. For example, you might choose to:
- Create starbursts or flowers from water bottles like these from Paul Murray.
- Create newspaper or magazine roses like these at zakka life.
- Create newspaper or magazine spirals like these at maya*made.
- Flatten, rip, cut, etc. cardboard pieces, tubes, and newspaper/magazine pages to create visually interesting and unique pieces.
- Create plastic bag rosettes like those found at Growing Up Creative.
When you finish creating, place all your items on newspaper, spray paint, and mount around the outside edge of your board when dry! The result is stunningly and uniquely fantastic!
Have you ever created a non-traditional border for your bulletin board? We'd love to hear your creative ideas! Be sure to connect with us through the comment section below or through our Facebook page!