5 Great Activities for Your Penguin Unit!
We love a good winter penguin unit and were thrilled to stumble across these fabulous activity ideas shared by Mrs. Ryder over at Literacy and Laughter! By the time they're done, your kiddos are sure to be penguin experts!
Schema Anchor Chart

Before beginning the unit, discuss with your kiddos what they already know about penguins and record it on your anchor chart. From there, as they learn new facts and information, update the chart to reflect their new learning.
Penguin Tree Map

Along with the anchor chart, a tree map is a great way to help your kiddos organize their learning. It helps students fit the information they've learned into specific categories and, in a way, helps to simplify the learning process.
Penguin Facts

After reading books, watching videos, and exploring resource sites on the internet, invite your students to pick their favorite fact to write, illustrate, and share with the class!
Scientific Drawings

Brood pouch. Waddle. Barbs. Penguins have some parts with funny names! As your students learn about the different parts of a penguin, have them add a labeled drawing of a penguin to their science notebook!
Penguin Crafts
These penguin crafts are sure to add some fun to the unit as well as double as cute classroom displays during the unit!
- Penguin Drawings. Students can learn to draw penguins with the awesome web tutorial over at Nothing But Penguins
- Shape Penguins. Your students will be amazed that they can create a penguin using simple construction paper shapes. Check out this great 'shape penguin' tutorial over at The Teacher Wife!

Aren't these activities great!? Mrs. Ryder did a great job putting her penguin unit together - we were inspired by her activities and we hope you are too!