Writing Center - Using Individual Writing Folders

While there will always be questions to field and help to be had, equipping your beginning writers with a writing folder that's stocked with goodies and useful tools is a great way to help foster more independent writers. Kelli over at Castles and Crayons offers a glimpse into her kiddos writing folders and we thought they would make a great jumping off point for those who don't already incorporate this into their lessons, but wish to!
A sneak peek inside...
Kelli begins her writing unit by introducing several important topics - WHY writers write and WHAT writers write. Inspired by a fellow teacher blogger, she uses fun anchor charts to aid in the discussion of the topics. [While it isn't mentioned, we love the idea of taking and printing pictures of the anchor charts to place in your kiddos writing folders. That way they can use it as a resource and refer back to it any time they want!]
Along with the anchor charts, here are other items you might consider including in your writing folder:
- An alphabet chart featuring picture clues and the full alphabet in both upper and lower cases.
- A personal dictionary for words they have a hard time remembering how to spell.
- Examples of how to generate topics and organize thoughts using word webs.
- A heart web that features the various topics each individual student is passionate about and likes to write about - i.e. baseball, family, etc.
- Examples of various types of writing - lists, letters, stories, etc. - that you've worked on in class.
We're certain this is just the tip of the iceberg, but we highly recommend visiting Kelli's blog for more details and pictures of the elements she includes in her kiddos' writing folders!