Ushering in Reading Month - Forming Letters

March is reading month and, while your kinders have likely mastered letter recognition, a great way to prepare students for future reading success is to have them practice forming letters. Here are a few great {hands on!} activity center ideas for your students to try.
- Have students build marshmallow letters by placing small colored marshmallows on the tips of toothpicks and pushing them into foam board in letter shapes.
- Have students form letters with wikki stix or chenille stems. Invite them to copy from alphabet cards or use tracing tiles.
- Print large letter cards, inviting students to place them atop foam board and use jumbo push pins to trace them.
- Create or print letter lacing cards onto card stock, using a paper punch to place holes along the letter. Attach these to foam board, providing students with plastic golf tees and a small wooden hammer and inviting them to tap the tees along the letter.
- Provide students with a pin geoboard and rubber bands or yarn and invite them to try their hand at letter formation.
Help your kinders build a foundation for reading success with these great letter forming activities {and get reading month off to a great start!}.