Unique Ideas for Sensory Play
If you feel like your sensory bin is a bit 'tired', check out these awesome {and super unique!} ideas we found around the web...

Play At Home Mom suggests letting your kiddos explore water beads, which start small and then expand as they start to retain the water. The effect was especially cool when paired with a light table! [Check out the selection of water beads at CrystalWaterBeads.com]

Create a gelatin cake like this one at Time For Play. Add in some drinking straws, food coloring, and curious hands, and you've got yourself a fine experiment!

Stacy at {Share and Remember} set out a table covered in contact paper, sticky side up, along with yarn, ribbon, pom poms and other craft materials in order to create a sticky sensory experience for her kiddos. [Pop a second sheet of contact paper over the design when finished and you'll have a fantastic piece of art for the wall!]

Wendy Janelle created sensory stepping stones for her little one. These are fantastic for gross motor coordination and, of course, sensory exploration!
Give your sensory stations a face-lift with one of these fabulous activities - your kiddos will love them!
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And don't forget our recent post on the glow in the dark sensory bin!