Thumbprint Christmas Lights

string of thumbprint Christmas lights
Photo Source: Meet the Dubiens | Jill Dubien

We recently discovered Jill Dubien's handiwork over at Meet the Dubiens and are a bit starstruck so pardon two features in a row - we didn't think you'd mind seeing as how her crafts are simple yet spectacular and can be adapted for any classroom! Here's another great project that is sure to be a hit - thumbprint Christmas lights!

Supplies You'll Need

Here are a few ways to use this fun craft...

  1. Place thumbprint lights on the front of a folded piece of card stock to create Christmas greeting cards.
  2. Cut long strips of bulletin board paper, place them on the floor, and have students create homemade Christmas light bulletin board borders.
  3. Use them to create counting cards. Cut small 4" x 4" pieces of card stock adding a different number of thumbprint lights to each - including numbers one through ten. Once the paint has dried, laminate the cards and provide students with a dry erase crayon. Invite them to count the number of lights on the card and script the correct number. Counting and writing practice!

We're sure there are more creative ways to use this project - all you need is a little imagination! Be sure to visit Meet the Dubiens for the full post and directions!

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