Thanksgiving Fun - Cranberry Day Activities
We love all of these fantastic cranberry themed activities from Lindsy over at Preschool Alphabet! A mixture of literature, writing, science, sensory play, and more, we're sure you'll find something that your kinders will enjoy! {Or, perhaps, you may just consider taking the entire lesson plan!} Our favorite activity was the cranberry taste test! Should you set up an exploration of your own, we suggest adding a graphing component in order to tally the results...

First, invite your students to try cranberries that have been 'prepared' in three very different ways - cranberry sauce, dried cranberries, and cranberry juice. Working as a class, record each student's preferred cranberry dish using the tally boxes, then graph the findings and analyze the data collected - i.e. how many students liked each dish, which dish was liked the most, which dish was liked the least, etc.
A great way to integrate math and science, to go along with the taste test/graphing activity Lindsy found some fabulous videos that show how cranberry juice is made as well as how cranberries are dried. Your kiddos are sure to enjoy them!
This is just one of the many fun cranberry themed activities Lindsy shares at her blog! Be sure to visit Preschool Alphabet for the rest of her fun ideas!