Summer Science - Build A Worm Farm!

For all you worm lovers out there, check out this fantastic DIY worm farm from Jillian over at A Mom With A Lesson Plan! It offers a great opportunity for your kinders to observe earth worms in a semi-natural environment and would work in great if you're doing a summer gardening unit!
The best part is, the items needed to make the worm farm can readily be found around the house. If you have a large class, consider dividing students into several groups and creating multiple worm farms so that each child can have a part in putting it together, as well as collecting a worm to contribute to the project.
We love that Jillian had her kiddos record the process, along with all of their observations throughout the project, in their science journals!
For the full tutorial - and links to other worm lessons - be sure to visit A Mom With A Lesson Plan!