Storytelling Games That Engage the Imagination!

Since this Wednesday {the 27th} is "Tell a Story Day", we thought it would be great to find some storytelling games that will help your kinders engage their imagination, review the parts of a story, and practice constructing a tale from beginning to end. Here are some fantastic ideas from Dianne at The Story Connection! The Magic Story Bag
For this activity, divide students into groups of four, offering each group member a paper bag with a surprise object in it {the four objects should be the same for each group}. Taking turns, have students open their bag and tell a short story about the "magical" object they find inside! As an activity extension, consider regrouping the students by the object that was in their bag and, after retelling their stories, choose one to illustrate/make into a book to share with the class.
"Spinning" Stories
To prepare for the activity, unravel a ball of yarn, tying a knot every three to five feet, then re-wrap the knotted string back into a ball. To play, invite your kinders to sit in a tight circle and demonstrate how to play by telling the beginning of a story, unraveling the yarn ball as you talk. When you reach the first knot, toss the yarn to a student in the circle and invite them to continue the story as they spin the string. This process continues until the story is complete. Dianne suggests reviewing the parts of the story as you go along, reminding students of they're task {i.e. crafting the beginning, the body, the climax, etc.}. Tell as many stories as it takes to give each student a turn!
For more storytelling game ideas, be sure to visit Dianne's site for the full post!