St. Patrick's Day Spin & Graph Monsters

Check out this adorable St. Patrick's Day math station created by Tammy of Live, Love, Laugh: Everyday in Kindergarten! We just love the cutesy clip art and the early math practice. The best part - Tammy provides the worksheets for this activity for FREE at their blog! Simply print, cut out, and laminate the spinner - adding a brad and paperclip to create the actual "spinner" or use a pencil and paperclip like Tammy and Annie suggest. Armed with a graphing/recording sheet, have students spin the spinner fifteen times {or another number of your choice} and record the results. When finished, invite your students to analyze their data - totaling each column, determining which monster they spun the most/least, if any monsters were spun equal times, etc. You might also have them compare specific monster pairs using more than, less than, etc.
For this fabulous printable activity, be sure to visit Live, Love, Laugh: Everyday in Kindergarten!