Spring Math & Literacy Center Activities - w/ FREE Printables!

Check out these adorable {FREE!} printable activities from Jayme Carrillo over at Carrillo's Kinder"garden"! Perfect for your spring learning centers, we're a huge fan of the cutesy clip art, fun fonts, and unique ideas for helping your kinders master subtraction and sight words!
Flower Garden Subtraction Stories
After practicing acting out subtraction stories with inflatable flowers, Jayme introduced her flower garden subtraction stories printable. Students were invited to fill in the information as she spoke the problem aloud, then draw it out to find the solution. Jayme created booklets, but you might also consider simply printing one story page per student, laminating the pages, and providing them with a dry erase marker/crayon and a sheet of paper towel. Students can use the same page over and over - and actually erase the flowers they're subtracting from the total!
Roll, Say, Keep Sight Word Game
54 sight words in all, plus blank cards for you to create your own game cards, this spring themed sight word game is a great way to review previously learned focus words as well as practice with new words! If you're unfamiliar with how the game works, here's a breakdown...
- Each player receives a game card. Place a word card on each space of the game board.
- Students take turns rolling a game die, attempting to read the word on their game board that corresponds with the number they rolled.
- If they read it correctly, the player gets to add the card to their pile and the teacher replaces the word on their game mat with a new card. If they cannot read it correctly, the word stays on their mat for future attempts and their turn is over.
- Once all the cards are gone, the student with the most cards, wins!
Aren't these fabulous activities?! Be sure to head on over to Carrillo's Kinder"garden" for these awesome printables!