Spring Button Craft for Kids!

Get your kiddos geared up for the first day of Spring with this super cute and super simple craft featured by Linda over at Little Family Fun. You most likely have the supplies needed on hand already, so let's get started!
Spring Button Craft
To start, each child will need a piece of white construction paper and a set of markers (you could also use crayons or colored pencils). Have them begin the picture by drawing in the tree trunk and branches, the cloud and the green grass. If your kiddos are really young, you could have this part already done for each of them (color copies!), or you could provide a completed example to give them the idea.
Next up comes the large assortment of buttons! Have your students place glue dots all around the tree branches and then cover them with pink buttons (you could use a variety of colors if your pink supply is running low). Such pretty blossoms!

Once the beautiful tree is complete, it's on to the cloud. Use several large blue buttons to fill in the drawn-on cloud outline. Then space several smaller blue buttons 'falling' from the cloud for rain drops (April showers do bring May flowers!).

To complete the flowers, have your students choose a variety (colors and shapes) of large buttons to add interest (about 4 buttons) and glue each button approximately 1.5" up from the grass. Then use a green marker to draw in the stems and leaves.

To complete the Springtime scene, pick out a big yellow button for the sun and use a yellow marker to add rays. Voila! Your Spring picture is complete!