Simple Math and Writing Ideas for Spring with FREE Printables

If you're looking for a few simple ways to add a little Springtime fun to your lessons, then check out these cute ideas featured by Marie over at The Hands-On Teacher in First! The ideas provided include practice in Math and Writing are sure to get your kiddos excited!
Peep Writing Prompt & Bunny Ten Frames
Ring in the Easter / Spring season in your class with these super cute (and FREE) printables! The peep writing prompt (as shown above) is a great way to include a bit of creative writing in your Spring lesson plans. Your kiddos will have a chance to do a bit of drawing to transform the peep and then tell all about what they've created.
Marie also provides a really cute bunny ten frame your kiddos could use to practice their addition skills. Perfect for math center practice! Just be sure to laminate the ten frames first. :)
Practice with Peeps
Use the adorable, and super delicious, Easter treat to practice all types of math skills. They could be used for anything from pattern practice, to sorting, to adding and subtracting. Be creative!! And make sure to buy a few extra - your students will most definitely enjoy snacking while they practice.

Easter Egg Matching
You know ALL those plastic Easter eggs you have sitting around?? I know we have a pretty large bag in storage! Put them to good use this year by using them for synonym practice! Simply write two synonyms (one on each egg half) on a bunch of eggs, disassemble, and let your students get to matching! You could also use the eggs for math practice (addition, subtraction, fractions). The uses for these colorful little guys are endless!