Sight Word Activities & Games for Easter

Kelly, kindergarten teacher and creator of the site, Kelly's Kindergarten, has designed some fantastic Easter sight word activities that would be ideal for spicing up your literacy centers this holiday season {she even offers a few printables!}. Here are a few center ideas that can be adapted to fit the needs of your classroom...
Easter Egg Puzzles
Invite your kinders to strengthen sight word recognition and reading skills with these easy to create egg puzzles. Simply script a CVC/sight word sentence onto the top half of a colorful egg cutout, adding an appropriate sticker or illustration on the bottom half, then laminate and cut apart {with unique lines - i.e. wavy, puzzle piece, zig zag, etc.}, inviting your students to make correct matches. Instead of full sentences, you could also script the CVC/sight word onto both halves for more focused/less complex matching.

Egg-cellent Spelling Game
Students won't even know they're "learning" with this fantastic CVC/sight word spelling game! Best played in a group of two or more, here's a list of the things you'll need:
- Large Easter basket
- Easter eggs in assorted colors
- Small pails or Easter baskets {one for each player}
- Easter spoon or tongs
- Various CVC/sight word game mats {like the one above}
Use a marker to script a letter onto the side of each plastic egg or place letter 'cards' inside the eggs {include each unique letter from the focus sight words}. Invite students to take turns scooping several eggs from the Easter basket and placing them in their personal game pail/basket. As each child takes their turn, encourage the other players to begin opening their eggs and recording/spelling the sight words on their game mat. After each player has had a turn, all eggs should be returned to the basked, carefully mixed, and the process repeated until someone has spelled all of the sight words on their game mat.