Rhyme Time - Learning With Mother Goose
{May 1st is "Mother Goose Day" so we thought it would be fun to unearth some fun, last minute rhyme-inspired lessons for you to consider using in your learning centers. Here's are a few of our favorites from Michelle Hubbard and her family "Rhyme Time" event at Hubbard's Cupboard!}

Humpty Dumpty Egg Shell Rhymes
Create simple two-piece rhyme puzzles from egg shapes by cutting them in half {using unique lines for each cutout, of course!} and pasting images of rhyming words onto either side. If you don't know where to start, we suggest using the rhyming cards found in this Bird Preschool Pack from Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations. She offers a total of six pairs that are sure to work perfectly on your egg shell puzzles {or just provide a little inspiration to help you create your own rhyming pairs!}. Once students have completed each egg puzzle, consider inviting them to think of more words that fit into each group {i.e. eggs, legs, begs, pegs}.
Twinkle, Twinkle Beginning Sounds & Ordering
Create a makeshift "clothesline" in your literacy center. Gather twenty-six wooden clothespins, scripting one letter of the alphabet onto each, and clip them to the line in order {or leave them in a basket by the line so your student's first order of business will be to place them in the proper order}. Brainstorm and collect an image of objects that start with each letter of the alphabet, pasting these onto star cutouts. To complete the activity, have students match and clip the image to the clothespin with the appropriate beginning sound. As Michelle says, once the student has clipped all the "stars up in the sky", head over and check their work. [NOTE: You might consider, forgoing the clothesline, and creating the activity board to look like the night sky. Sprinkle alphabet stars across the board and add a Velcro dot on the bottom of each for students to attach smaller 'picture' stars to them.
These activities only brush the surface of what Michelle has compiled at her site, so be sure to head on over there for more inspiration!