Pocket Full of Memories! - End of the Year Door Display

Heather, talented fourth grade teacher and blogger at Working 4 The Classroom, designed this door display for her annual open house last year and we thought it offered not only a super cute decoration, but also a great way for your kiddos to express their favorite moments of the past school year! Of course, it also makes a great end of the year display because it's simple to construct/destruct and all of the elements are kid-created!
Pocket Full of Memories!
- Background: Dark blue or black bulletin board paper.
- Title: "Pocket Full of Memories!"
- Border: Heather looped a thin metallic silver star garland around the edge of the display, but you could also opt for a fun patterned trimmer. Or a combination of the two, of course!
Decoration: Provide each of your kiddos with a pocket template - you can download the one below from our "Poem in My Pocket" bulletin board idea, if you don't want to make one of your own!
Use the template to create pocket shaped 'envelopes', having your kiddos decorate the outside then fill the inside with favorite memories they've scripted onto pieces of paper. [NOTE: You might try a guided approach to kick-start the activity, providing them with strips of paper that have prompts already typed on them - i.e silliest memory, favorite lunch, favorite recess activity, etc.] Arrange the completed pockets on the board and - voilà!