Pirate Crafts - DIY Telescope

Pirate Crafts for Kids
Photo Source: www.busybeekidscrafts.com

{Did you know that September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? How super fun is that?! While you add some pirate lingo to your vocabulary - be sure to visit the the Official site for Talk Like A Pirate Day to learn the basics - invite your kiddos to arm themselves with some essential pirate gear!}

Check out this adorable homemade telescope from Busy Bee Kids Crafts! Perfect for the adventurous pirate, your kiddos are sure to have a blast scanning the horizon for other ships, scouting for dry land, and pretending to do other pirate tasks. Add in some traditional pirate costumes, a treasure map, and other fun props, your pretend play corner is sure to be full of little scalawags!

For the full craft tutorial, be sure to visit Busy Bee Kids Crafts!

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