Passport to Fun - Individual Continent Study
Once your kinders have become comfortable with identifying continents on a world map, it's time to get the 'passports' out and learn about individual continents.

Creating Passports
We found these adorable templates for creating pretend passports from Fiar Circle {via Satori Smiles}. Simply pick out a cover, print onto sturdy card stock, the print the photo and filler pages onto regular paper. Cut apart and staple {in the correct order} into a passport booklet. Have your kiddos bring in a picture to paste onto their photo page, then have them script in their personal information – name, birth date, place of birth, etc. The download even comes with sample stamps that can be used in your adventures. Your kiddos are sure to love this part of the unit.

Montessori Continent Boxes
Deb Chitwood of Living Montessori Now suggests creating “continent boxes” to assist you in your 'travels'. These boxes contain all sorts of interesting information to help you and your kinders learn about the area:
- Stories and literature from/about the region
- Track of traditional music
- Real musical instruments {or pictures of traditional instruments}
- Pictures of the region and well-known places/landmarks
- Currency from the region
- Famous artwork
- Traditional houses/housing
- Plant and animals indigenous to the region
- Food grown and consumed in the region
- Traditional games played by children in the region
The list goes on and on! Mari-Ann of Counting Coconuts has put together some fantastic continent bags as an example, so be sure to check out her blog, as well as Living Montessori Now, for tips, tricks, links, printables, and more information on how to create your own! After studying about the focus continent, add a stamp in your kiddos' passports, and move on to your next adventure!