Oodles of Apples - Tracing, Lacing & Weaving!

Perfect for your back-to-school or fall/Johnny Appleseed Day craft center, these simple apple projects offer a great way to highlight the unit theme and strengthen fine motor skills through various methods - tracing, lacing, and weaving.

Fall Apple Kids Craft
Photo Source: www.education.com

Using glitter glue pens to make these apple prints from Education.com, students will strengthen hand muscles needed to hold a pencil as well as fine motor control! Not to mention, they'll have a blast helping each other trace their hands and brushing up on their scissor skills.

Fall Apple Craft for Kids
Photo Source: www.kiboomu.com

With this great craftivity we found over at Kiboomu {via The Crafty Crow}, your kiddos will use a single paper punch to add holes around the edge of their apple cutout, threading ribbon, yarn, or string through the holes as a decoration! This is a great way to strengthen hand muscles and fine motor skills!

Fall Apple Kids Craft
Photo Source: www.freekidscrafts.com

Lots of fun {and certainly unique!} this woven apple craft from Free Kids Crafts is a great way to teach the skill of weaving and for building fine motor skills.

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