Mardi Gras Masks & Shakers!

Looking for a fun way to incorporate Mardi Gras into the classroom? Check out these adorable crafts from Bern over at Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas. They're just what you need to get the celebration started!
Mardi Gras Masks
- Mask template {we found several templates over at First Palette}
- White card stock or foam sheets
- Craft embellishments - paint, glitter, glue, art tissue paper, feathers, sequins, gems, chenille stems (to curl!), etc.
- Thin dowel rod or single paper punch and yarn
Let your kiddos have fun with the mask - perhaps showing them examples - but ultimately allowing them to create and decorate using the craft materials that inspire them! It will be fun to see the varied results - some students might paint their designs, others might cover the entire mask with shiny sequins, and still others might decide to collage the mask with torn squares of art tissue paper!
[Notes on wearing the masks... The dowel rod is great because it's 'one size fits all'. No holes need to be punched. No measuring needs to take place. No finagling of any kind. However, if you plan to use the masks and shakers together, your students will want their hands free and the holes/yarn may just be the way to go...]
Mardi Gras Shakers
- Recycled water bottles with caps
- Purple, green, and yellow craft paint
- Paint brushes
- Filler - rice, dried beans, etc.
- Craft glue
This project is pretty self explanatory, however we do recommend that after the bottle has been painted, dried, and filled, an adult use glue to permanently attach the bottle cap. This will deter curious little party-goers from opening the bottle and making a mess!
These projects are fabulous and, perhaps, paired with a fun Mardi Gras music lesson your kiddos will have a day to remember!