Spruce up your letter "M" lessons with a few super cute monster crafts! Ms. Jessi over at Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi featured several ideas that are sure to please your preschoolers. They are super simple and you most likely already have everything you'll need on hand!
Letter M Monsters
Photo Source: Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi
Provide each of your kiddos with a pre-cut letter "M" and place a myriad of craft embellishments on the table along with scissors and glue. Have your students turn their letters into monsters with wiggly eyes, horns, noses, mouths, etc.
Monster Hands
Photo Source: Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi
Trace monster claws onto craft foam and have your kiddos cut them out (they will need a total of 4 each). Then use pre-cut triangles and glue a claw to each finger (only on 2 of the 4 claws). Use a stapler or glue gun to adhere two of the claws together (make sure not to attach them together at the wrist!) to complete the craft. Your kiddos now have super cute monster claws to wear while you read a popular Monster book!
Check out: Glad Monster, Sad Monster, If You're a Monster and You Know It and There Was An Old Monster, all by Ed Emberley.
Monster Hats
Photo Source: Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi
Start a monster dance party with these simple monster hats! Have your class cut monster hats from craft foam (be sure to have pre-traced the shape for them). Then, use a glue gun to attach a thick piece of ribbon to the back. Easy peasy!