Learning is Creative at Casa Maria!
We just recently discovered Casa Maria's Creative Learning Zone, a blog created by preschool teacher Maria Wynne and chock full of fantastic craft ideas for your kiddos! Since our late discovery has us feeling the need to "catch up", we decided to feature a few of the crafts/activities that instantly caught our eye {to entice you to check out this amazing blog for yourself!}!

You've heard of splatter painting, spin art, and kick box painting, but have you introduced rolling pin art? Set out some brightly colored paint in squeeze bottles and some of these kitchen tools and you've got a recipe for colorful creative {and messy!} fun!

We couldn't wait to share THIS little gem! Natural elements...check. Über creative...check. Tons of fun...check! Take your kiddos on a treasure hunt for some sweet gum balls {or purchase some at your local craft supply store}, grab some paint and glitter in vibrant hues, and gear up for some fantastic results ~ your own 'candied' gum balls!

What preschooler {or kid...or adult, for that matter!} doesn't like flubber? And, while you're at it, what preschooler doesn't like racing? What do you get when you put these two 'magic' concepts together? The 'Great Flubber Race'...and an opportunity for some unique scientific observation and study! Check out the results at Casa Maria then design your own classroom activity!