"If I Were A Pirate..." and Other Pirate Writing Prompts!

Pirate Writing Prompt Printable and Kindergarten Lesson Plan
Photo Source: fun-n-first.blogspot.com

We hit the mother load of pirate writing prompts while perusing Crazy for First Grade and had to pass them along! If you're looking for a way to spark your little writers' imaginations, these great prompts from Anna should certainly get you on the right track!

  • If I Were A Pirate...
  • My Journey on a Pirate Ship
  • My Treasure Chest
  • What Do You Think About Dressing Like A Pirate?

The best part is Anna provides fun printables to go along with these writing prompts - for FREE! - over at her blog! Featuring quirky pirate graphics and places for both writing and illustrations, we know your kinders will have a blast completing these creative writing prompts!

For the prompt printables, be sure to head on over to Crazy for First Grade!

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