Health & Safety - Learning About Road Safety
Did you know that June is National Safety Month? While safety instructions should always be discussed when a situation arises during the school day or you have the opportunity to prevent an unsafe situation, it's always a good idea to spend time going over simple precautions your kinders can take in every day situations to prevent injury and stay safe - as a pedestrian, on the bus, when riding a bike, in the even of a fire, when dealing with strangers, etc!

Road safety is definitely an important topic to discuss since a child's sensory skills and perceptions can often put them at a disadvantage in traffic situations - e.g. just because you can see a vehicle does not mean that they can see you! Making your kinders aware of these important issues, giving them safety steps that are easy to put into practice, and helping them appreciate their own responsibility in avoiding unsafe situations is the goal of Manitoba Public Insurance's Road Safety Learning Resources and we think it's a fabulous resource to reference while putting your own road safety unit together!
The packet includes 16 activities designed to cover four main areas of road safety - traffic, pedestrian safety, seat belt safety, and community safety helpers. Filled with handouts and worksheets, we're certain you'll find some fun activities to print and use or tweak to fit your needs!
Be sure to follow the link to grab your own copy of this great road safety packet!