Having Fun with Rainbows

Whether you sneak them into your unit on weather or add them to your St. Patrick's Day lesson plan, these rainbow-themed activities from Katherine at Katherine Marie Photography are dynamic, unique, and fantastic! We really can't choose any favorites {everything looks like so much fun, seriously!}, so here are a few highlights!
Fun with Rainbows
- Paint Chip Puppets. Attach a craft stick and wiggle eyes to recycled paint chips to create fun puppets for pretend play. Enlist the help of your students to come up with some creative color names and act out some fun scenes.
- Clothespin Color Matching. Attach strips of colored paper to a card stock cutout of the letter "R". Paint a clothespin to match each color and, when dry, invite your students to clip the clothespin to its appropriate spot on the cutout. To make it more challenging for your kindergartners, consider adding a sight word component. For example, create a key that corresponds one sight word with one color. Write each sight word onto an unpainted clothespin. Invite students to consult the key to figure out where to clip the clothespins.
- Color Sorting & Math. Find a plastic storage container {for sewing, etc.}, placing one colored number card - two through twelve - at the bottom of each section. Invite you students to roll a die, write down the first number, roll it a second time then add the results of both rolls together, placing an object in the appropriate space on their 'game tray'. Students should continue until they've rolled each sum and there is an object in each section on the tray.
For more fantastic rainbow activities that can be tailored to the skill level and interests of your students, be sure to visit Katherine's full post!