Happy Hair! Springtime Science with Seeds

Spring is finally in the air! And what a perfect time to learn all about plants and vibrant green grass. The grass in Ohio is finally starting to make a comeback. Yay!! For a cute twist on your typical planting seeds and watching them grow experiment, check out this cute idea featured by Debbie over at Rainbows Within Reach.
Happy Hair!
A few days before you are ready to plant your grass seeds, take a head shot of each of your kiddos. With your developed photos in hand, you will only need a few additional supplies: small clear plastic cups, grass seed and a small bag of potting soil.
Have your students put a small amount of soil into their cups along with their grass seeds. Then, glue or tape on their picture to one side of the cup. Be sure you crop off the top of their heads before doing so. I know it sounds wrong...but trust me, it will turn out very cute!!
Then spend time over the next few weeks watering and watching the kid's green 'hair' grow in and talking all about plant growth! Super cute!