Hand Print Snowmen Ornaments

Christmas and ornaments just go together! Most teachers, when brainstorming gift ideas for their little "elves" to make for their parents, remember just that! And while they can certainly try some of the more traditional ornament crafts...
...and have great success! (Seriously, check out those links for some awesome projects!) Jill Dubien, mother and creator of the blog Meet the Dubiens, has brought ornament crafts to a whole new level with this hand print snowman ball ornament!
Supplies You'll Need
- Store-bought ball ornaments (in assorted colors)
- White craft paint
- Kids paint brushes
- Paint pens (for detailing)
For directions, pictures, and project tips, be sure to visit Dubiens' full blog post. In a nutshell, your students will use the white paint to place a full hand print onto their ornament (be sure to keep the plastic ornament trays for drying), then use paint pens to create a snowman from each of their fingers. For small children, we suggest you call in cavalry. While they're certain to be able to complete the first step, the paint pen detailing may be beyond their skill level so ask for the help of room mothers, older student aides, or other teachers on the floor (this could be a fun floor/collective craft) to help you finish the crafts.
You might also consider inviting an older art class to come to the room for a special "art session" where each of your students is assigned to an artist and can dictate design (i.e. hat colors, scarf design, etc.) while the older student creates the snowmen. In this way, your students will feel like they're playing a bigger part in creating the ornament, will practice articulating ideas and giving specific directions, as well as learn to work with colors (in an artistic sense!) and a partner. Not only will this benefit the younger children, it can be a great exercise for the older students too (one that their art teacher might not be able to pass up!)! However you decide to do it, if you're attempting this craft with younger students, make sure you get help or it could turn into a lot of work for you!
We just love this non-traditional ornament craft and hope you check it out - along with all the other great ideas at Meet the Dubiens!