Fun Jet Pack Craft for Kids!
Whether you're looking for a unique prop to use in your pretend play corner or just something to get your students up and moving, this craft will certainly do the trick! Inspired by her child's exceptional imagination and curiosity about space, Kim, creator of Mom Tried It, designed a great kid's jet pack!
Supplies You'll Need
- 2 empty Pringles cans
- Construction paper
- Craft glue
- Tape
- Arts & crafts supplies (e.g. glitter, stickers, sequins, etc.)
- Thick ribbon
- Cardboard
If each student will be making their own jet pack, have them spend the few weeks leading up to the craft collecting supplies from home (namely the needed Pringles cans). Instruct them to wash and dry the cans before bringing them in, as well as, have their parents help them label each tube with their name in permanent marker. Additionally, before beginning the activity, cut red and orange construction paper into 1" strips and store until needed.
Project Directions
Provide your students with 4 pieces of construction paper (two each of two different colors). On one set, have them use various arts and crafts supplies to decorate the entire page. On the other set, have them trace a 9"-diameter circle, cut it out, and with one slit to the center, shape it into a cone and glue it.
Give your students six pre-cut orange strips, six pre-cut red strips, and a piece of masking tape. Instruct them to alternate colors, placing the strips side by side on their workstation. Help them place the piece of tape along the edge of the patterned row, connecting each strip of paper while leaving enough of the sticky edge exposed so that it can be adhered to the Pringles can. Attach the 'flames' to the open end of the can. Repeat the process for the second tube.
Next, cover each tube with a decorated piece of construction paper and glue a cone at the top of each rocket. These rockets can then be glued to a sturdy piece of cardboard, thick ribbon attached for straps, and your students will be off exploring new and strange worlds in no time!
Mom Tried It: Kid’s Jet Pack Craft