Fluffy Stuff! Sensory Activity for Early Childhood

Early Childhood Activity - FLuffy Stuff
Photo Source: Time for Play

Provide an awesome opportunity for sensory play with this super simple idea that was featured by Cari over at Time for Play. You only need two ingredients to provide hours of fun for your kiddos! And after a bit of play the mixture becomes moldable and you can store it in an airtight container for up to a week (it will start to harden as the week progresses, but should remain moldable).

You will need:

Shaving cream

Supplies for Fluffy Stuff
Photo Source: Time for Play

In a medium size tub pour half a box of cornstarch.

Step 1 - Fluffy Stuff
Photo Source: Time for Play

Next, add half a can of shaving cream.

Step 2 - Fluffy Stuff
Photo Source: Time for Play

Finally, turn your kiddos loose to explore! You could even try adding a bit of food coloring to brighten up the fluff.

Step 3 - Fluffy Stuff
Photo Source: Time for Play

Cari has a wonderful collection of ideas for Early Childhood. Be sure to check out her blog Time for Play soon!

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