Five Senses Teddy Bear Craft
This craft/sensory activity would make the perfect addition to your unit on the five senses! Not only does it offer a hands-on opportunity to explore the various ways in which we experience and order the world around us, it's also simple enough that even the littlest learners can take part! [The teachers at All About Children childcare center sent us this activity which was completed with their 12-18 month kiddos! While the students did not complete the activity on their own - they needed supervision/help with various parts - they were very enthusiastic about participating!]
Activity preparation...
For the activity, you'll need teddy bear coloring pages printed onto white card stock, paint daubers filled with brown paint, craft glue, and items to represent the five senses. For example, the teachers at All About Children collected;
- Bean bag fill plastic pellets (dyed red) = Touch
- Fruit Loops = Taste
- Mirror paper = Sight
- Music notes printed onto paper = Hear
- Potpourri = Smell
To complete the activity...
- First, invite students to use the paint daubers to color in the teddy bear. [Did you know you can make your own paint daubers from recycled water bottles? Click here to find out how!]
- As the coloring pages are drying, take time to introduce your students to the different materials they'll be using. Allow them to let the plastic pellets run through their fingers and describe how it feels, smell the potpourri and describe how it smells, etc. **If you plan to allow your kiddos to taste the Fruit Loops, and if you're working with younger students, do this last! They won't become distracted, hoping for more yummy cereal, and it will also help them remember not to put everything else in their mouths!
- Once the teddy bear is dry, students can then glue the sensory materials onto the page - matching the sensory item to the body part we use when exploring it. Even with an example to follow this might be tricky, especially with the younger set! Provide guidance/assitance as needed, but don't worry about it being perfect!