Festive Jingle Bell Bracelets

Sometimes it's the simplest crafts and toys that make the biggest impact! If you're looking for a fun independent craft station for the holidays, a festive project for your classroom Christmas party, or just a simple segue between activities this holiday season, this jingle bell bracelet from My Montessori Journey is the perfect solution! The supply list is painfully simple - you literally need chenille stems and jingle bells - but the end result will fill your classroom with festive laughter and music!
Activity Skills
- Counting. Students are encouraged to count out four bells to place on their bracelet.
- Number Recognition. As students count, they are invited to place the bells onto appropriate number cards - one through four.
- Fine Motor Skills. Threading the bells onto the chenille stem and twisting the ends together to create a bracelet strengthens hand-eye coordination, hand muscles, focus, and accuracy.
Bracelet Applications
- Encourage students to use them during free play.
- Sing Christmas songs and invite students to play along.
- Read a familiar story, inviting students to shake their bell bracelets when they hear a particular word or phrase. This will help them pay attention.
- Explore together the different sounds that can be made with the bells (i.e. how the bells sound when clapping, when jumping up and down, etc.).
- Try patterning exercises. Sit in a circle and have students become the pattern (i.e. the first student shakes their bracelet once, the next student twice, the next student once, and so on).
These bracelets provide great learning tools and fun toys for the Christmas season! Be sure to visit My Montessori Journey for the set up and other great early childhood resources!