Fall Target Map

We found this cute fall target map while perusing Pinterest for seasonal ideas and thought it might be a fun exercise for you to do with your kiddos! The idea originated at Chalk Talk, a blog created by early childhood educator, April Larremore. {She provides tons of fabulous activity ideas, so be sure to check out her blog!}
Fall Target Map
Mounted onto a super cute scarecrow cutout, April's target map is a great way to assess what your kinders know/collect ideas about the fall season. We adore the hand drawn images, but if you're not artistic, simply pen your students' responses during the discussion and find clip art images later to paste onto the board. [NOTE: You might also prepare the images ahead of time, anticipating the answers you might get from your students, as well as using any leftover pictures to lead the discussion to things the kiddos may have forgotten.]
This is a fantastic way to introduce seasonal vocabulary, invite your students to think critically about the topic, and celebrate fall!
Head on over to Chalk Talk for this and many other fabulous activities for the early childhood classroom!