Crafty Bookmarks for Kids

In honor of International Children's Book Day {on April 2nd!}, we scoured the web for some cute bookmarks that will remind your kiddos of the importance of reading, commemorate the day, and, hopefully, add a bit of color and excitement as they embark on their next reading conquest! Here are a few of our favorites {although we're sure there are plenty more floating out there in cyberspace that we would adore as well!}.

FamilyFun had numerous ideas...

reading and literacy bookworm bracelet bookmark craft
Photo Source: FamilyFun

If you're a chronic "misplacer" of bookmarks, this bookworm bracelet is the perfect solution!

booklist bookmark craft for reading and literacy promotion
Photo Source: FamilyFun

Keep your "favorites" book list at your fingertips with this colorful bookmark - makes a great keepsake to remind your kiddos of the books they like at different ages/stages!

valentine's day bookmark
Photo Source: FamilyFun

Originally designed for Valentine's Day, rework this adorable recycled calendar bookmark with a more generic message - "READING makes my day!"

page grabber bookmark printables
Photo Source: FamilyFun

Boys will especially love these "page grabber" bookmark printables depicting pirates, robots, and more!

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FamilyFun wasn't our only stop {it only seems like it!}. We found some great bookmark crafts at other great sites as well...

recycled paint chip bookmarks
Photo Source: Camille Reads

Got some old paint chips lying around? Make some dynamic {inexpensive!} bookmarks like these from Camille Reads to keep in the classroom library.

recycled cardboard cereal box bookmarks
Photo Source: plumpudding

These recycling bin bookmarks from plumpudding show just how versatile old cereal and cracker boxes can be! {Although they might just inspire your students to make themselves a snack instead of sit down to read!}

animal stamp paper clip bookmarks
Photo Source: My Chick 'n Scratch

Last, but certainly not least, these paperclip bookmarks stamped with quirky animals and tied with fun ribbon from My Chick 'n Scratch are perfect for avid readers! They're small, cute, and you just can't get enough of them!

Feel free to share links to your favorite bookmark craft in the comment section below!

Happy reading {and International Children's Book Day, of course}!

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