Constitution Day - Learning About Authority Unit

Since the Constitution lays out the vision and footprint for our country's government, a great concept to cover on Constitution Day is the need for and purpose of authority. While the concept of authority and a governing body might seem at odds with our aim - freedom for all - this 4-part lesson from The Center for Civic Education helps students understand the necessity of authority, the difference between authority and power, how authority comes with responsibility, and how the Constitution provides for authority as well as places important limits on it's practice.
Written in language that your kinders can understand, the lesson story is broken up into four chapters that follow the story of Orb and Effy - two bubble people who recall the story of how their home, Bubble Land, would have fallen apart without rules and leadership. With discussion points, concept exercises, background reading, story props, and more, this is a great unit to do with your kinders for Constitution Day!
For the lesson download, be sure to visit The Center for Civic Education!