Butterfly Craftivity for Spring!

Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten is one of our favorite spots for finding unique and creative ideas. We especially loved this butterfly craftivity to help introduce your kiddos to what a wingspan is! Perfect for any unit about bugs.
Butterfly Craftivity
To introduce the concept of a wingspan, start by having your kiddos paint a beautiful butterfly. Provide them each with a large piece of white paper and have them use assorted colors of paint to create their butterfly. They don't have to be perfect, or exactly the same size! It's almost better if they are not identical so you can demonstrate how wingspans are different sizes.
After the paiting is complete, you will need to allow time for the artwork to dry and then cut out the butterflies. You will also need to have slips of paper pre-printed with the information you want your students to fill-in / document when it comes time to measure. Julie's went something like this:
Julie had her students use 1" Unifix cubes to measure the wingspan of their butterflies. This is a great idea if your students are not familiar with the concept of a ruler yet! If your students are a bit older, you could also have them measure using a ruler.

After your students finish measuring their butterflies, have them glue on their completed findings. What a cute and colorful way to teach your kiddos about wingspans. Perfect for Spring and all things bugs!