Beautiful! - Cherry Blossom Projects for Spring
Ever been to Washington DC in the spring? The cherry blossoms are just phenomenal! If you're looking for a way to bring the beauty of spring into your home or classroom, try one of these amazing cherry blossom art projects. They'll provide your kiddos with a chance to try new art materials and concepts, and add a touch of color to your walls!

We tracked this fantastic art project back to substitute teacher, Lisa Plume Harvey (via Jennifer Dobson's Facebook page). Students started with a piece of white craft paper and used a drinking straw to carefully blow a blob of black ink into the shape of a tree, then folded small squares of fuschia and pink art tissue paper around the end of their pencil eraser, dipped it in glue, and placed the "blossoms" on the tree. Looks like lots of fun fun and the results are beautiful!

Of course, Martha Stewart always has great ideas for spring decorating. Here's a spectacular project that makes use of natural elements. You'll need several twigs {take your students on a treasure hunt in the school yard!} and squares of light pink art tissue paper or handmade marbled paper. In a collaborative art project, show students how to pinch the center of the paper squares to fashion a "blossom" and glue it to the tree branch with craft glue. As Martha shows, display these in a canning jar or vase around the classroom, or you might even consider tying "bouquets" together to send home as "Easter gifts".

Last, but certainly not least, we found this fantastic watercolor cherry blossom print at karen in korean life. Students were given a piece of art paper, a shallow dish of water, and a shallow dish of diluted pink craft paint {equal parts paint and water}. After painting over the entire piece of paper with water, Karen invited her kiddos to place dots of the diluted paint onto the paper, watching as the paint dots "grew" into beautiful "blossoms". When satisfied with the number of blooms, these paintings were then set aside and, when fully dry, a black permanent marker was used to draw in the branches and trunk. Just gorgeous!