Autumn-Themed Inference Activities (with FREEbies!)

If your kiddos love to create and solve riddles, you'll want to check out these inference activities put together by Linda of Primary Inspiration! The set is Autumn-themed - perfect for the fall weather heading our way - and can be used several different ways:
- As a small group (or entire class) activity to practice reading clues and eliminating options that don't make sense.
- As a matching pocket chart activity.
- As a starting point for a writing activity.
- As a small group "Four-in-the-Fall" game (perfect for a literacy center). A clever take on the traditional Four-in-a-Row game your kiddos are sure to love!

We love the variety of activities that stem from this set of riddle cards! Your kiddos will have a chance to work on vocaublary words, key details and making inferences based on the information given and their prior knowledge. And they'll love the fall theme (a great way to incorporate informational text) that focuses on Johnny Appleseed, pumpkins, fire safety, Columbus, Halloween, leaves and Thanksgiving.