"All About Me" Bag

This activity is an oldie by a goodie! Shared by Alicia Lochridge over at First Grade Factory, this first week of school activity provides a great opportunity for getting to know your kiddos a little bit better, helping your students get acquainted/reacquainted with their classmates, and building community in the classroom.
Here's the gist. With the help of their parents, students collect various items from around their house that help describe who they are - i.e. a family picture, a favorite toy, a religious symbol, etc. - and place them in a decorated bag. Then, throughout the first week of school, students share their bags with the class. [NOTE: We love the opportunity for students to practice speaking in front of their peers as well as practice/model active listening!
For a fun, FREE printable note (explaining the activity) that you can send home with your students, be sure to visit First Grade Factory!