Adorable - Paper Bowl Jellyfish!

We found these cute summer jellyfish crafts at First Palette via Ucreate. We love the vibrant colors and are sure your kiddos will enjoy getting their hands on this craft!
Supplies You'll Need
- Paper bowls
- Craft paint in assorted colors
- Kids paint brushes
- Art tissue paper in assorted colors
- Craft scissors
- Craft glue
- String or yarn
Be sure to visit First Palette for the craft directions! Students can choose to match their paint hues and art paper or opt for a mixture of colors - either way the crafts are sure to turn out fabulously! When dry, the finished products make great ceiling decor, props for pretend play {when strung to dowel rods}, and even inspiration for a cutesy ocean journal prompt or story {i.e. "What is your favorite thing about summer?", What is your favorite ocean animal?", etc}. You might consider having your students craft different paper bowl/plate creatures then write and perform a mini-play using them as props! {First Palette offers tutorials for creating paper bowl turtles as well as paper plate safari animals that you might consider incorporating!}