A Bunch of Bean Counters - Math Center Activity
Fran Kramer of Kindergarten Crayons created this adorable bean counting exercise that will help your kiddos with bigger numbers. Using a combination of loose beans and "bean sticks" {tongue depressors with 10 beans glued to them}, students can practice counting and constructing numbers 1 through 30. Here's how it works...

- Provide each student with a bean mat, 10 loose beans, 3 bean sticks, and a stack of mixed up number cards {1 through 30}.
- Students begin by choosing a number card from the stack, placing it in the proper place on their counting mat.
- Using the loose beans {and the nifty "loose beans" circle on the counting mat}, students begin counting up to the number on the card. If they get to 10 and still haven't reached the number, students then trade the loose bean manipulatives for a "bean stick" and continue counting, repeating this process of trading in their 10 bean manipulatives for a bean stick, until they've reached the number. [NOTE: For numbers "10", "20", and "30", the mat should contain only bean sticks.]
This activity is fantastic for one-to-one correspondence, number recognition, and counting practice. Use it throughout the year or add it to your spring/gardening math center activity line-up! Be sure to head over to Kindergarten Crayons for more information, activities, and the printable mats!