100th Day Counting Activities for Kids

Celebrating 100 days of school is a great time to work on math skills, but in a fun and colorful way of course! If your kiddos are on the younger side, the ideas Jessica featured over at Welcome to Room 36 will be perfect!
Use a colorful door display (like the one shown above) to invite your students to start the celebration! All you need is a piece of bulletin board paper and a few colors of paint. Jessica use red paper with white, red and blue paint (very patriotic :) ), but you can use whatever colors you have available. And how cute is the hole cut into the number 100? What kindergarten wouldn't love to have to crawl through to get into the room?!?
Ten Frame Grouping
Have your students sort items into groups of ten by color. Jessica used her classroom carpet to create her ten frame. How clever!! If you don't have a similar carpet, create the ten frame on the floor with colorful masking tape for the frame and numbers.

100th Day Collections
In the days leading up to your 100th day celebration, ask students to put together a collection of 100 of something to bring to class. The collection can be of anything they choose (but for display purposes you may want to ask them to make sure the items will fit into a baggie). Then attach the collection to the printable (available on Jessica's TPT site) and hang them around your room for a colorful 100th Day Display!