"What's Your Favorite?" End of the Year FREEbie

It's hard to believe we are already talking about the end of the school year! And it seems for a few lucky souls summer has already arrived. If you don't happen to be one of the lucky ones and you're looking for a quick writing activity for your kiddos to complete before summer hits, Abby over at Third Grade Bookworm put together an awesome FREEbie for you! The worksheet gives your kiddos a chance to look back on their year:
- Favorite ice cream
- Favorite restaurant
- Favorite movie
And that's just to name a few! Use the worksheet to reminisce with your kiddos at the end of the year before you send them off for summer. We really liked Abby's idea of having her students complete the worksheet at the beginning of the school year and then again at the end. Sure would be interesting to see how quickly 'favorites' can change!