Valentine's Day Letter Sequencing Activity & Printable

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, if you're looking for simple themed center ideas, here's a cute printable activity that will help your kiddos with letter recognition and ordering skills! The activity has two parts that can be used separately or together;

Valentine's Day Letter Ordering Activity Printable
    • {Part 1} Letter Cards. Have students work independently or with a friend to put these simple Valentine's Day themed letter cards in ABC order.

Valentine's Day Letter Sequencing Worksheet

  • {Part 2} Letter Sequence Worksheet. Using the newly ordered letter cards as a guide, invite students to complete each letter sequence on the activity sheet.

For younger children, you might simply have them order the letter cards and call it a day. For older children, you might opt to have them complete the worksheet without the help of the ordered letter cards. For those in-between, pairing the two activities together is a great option!


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Michelle Curphy (Allen, US)
