V is for Volcano: 3 Awesome Hands-On Activities for Kids

Have kiddos who love to get messy? Check out these fabulous hands on volcano activities shared by Lindsy over at Preschool Alphabet! The hands on play is great for young and old alike, each activity offers a great opportunity to discuss/introduce various science topics with your kiddos, and we know your kiddos will love the 'mess factor'! Not to mention, these are simple to put together and are excellent end of the year/summer boredom busters!
You'll have to head on over to Preschool Alphabet for the full scoop on putting each of these activities together, but here's a sneak peek at all the erupting awesomeness!
Classic Erupting Volcano

A little baking soda, a little color, a little vinegar and you've got yourself a fantastically 'explosive' reaction!
Mini Eyedropper Volcanoes

A fun twist on the classic volcano - mini volcanoes! If you're looking for the least messy of the three activities, we'd go with this one. But, then again, there's the possibility of a dumped tray of baking soda so the reality is, complete all of these at your own risk!
Milk Volcano

Give a child a glass of milk and a straw and we're pretty sure this activity will be instictive!
Again, for the full activity instructions, be sure to visit Preschool Alphabet! We know you and your kiddos will have fun with these fabulous hands on experiments!